SciLifeLab Day in Umeå

Welcome to the second kick-off event for the national SciLifeLab site – now hosted by Umeå! Learn more about the services and infrastructure development, research highlights, and activities offered by SciLifeLab, both nationally and locally; interact with the SciLifeLab capabilities – Precision Medicine, Pandemic Laboratory Preparedness and Planetary Biology, and much more! Director of the new SciLifeLab site Umeå is Linda Sandblad of the NMI node UCEM and the NMI facilities in Umeå will be presented during the day.

Time of event: September 11, 2023
Location: Rotundan, Aula Nordica and other locations at the Umeå University Campus
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Basic Course in Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy for Life Sciences

This course covers lectures and practical demonstrations in SEM and TEM techniques, specifically for life science applications. The contents include principles of electron microscopy, specimen preparation, cryo-electron microscopy and correlative light-electron microscopy. For electron microscopy in physical science applications, there will be a similar-content basic course in early 2024.

Time of event: September 26-28, 2023
Location: UCEM & KBC, Umeå University
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Cryo-EM sample preparation and data collection course

Want to learn more about Cryo-EM sample preparation and data collection? Then sign up for this course at the UCEM NMI node in Umeå. The purpose of the course is to prepare and train Cryo-EM facility users in sample preparation methods, introduce users to the image data acquisition workflow, expand knowledge about Cryo-EM methods among researchers and show that everyone can learn how to use Cryo-EM for structure and cell biology.

Time of event: October 17-19, 2023
Location: UCEM & KBC, Umeå University
Deadline for registration: September 29, 2023
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CytoData Symposium 2023

Welcome to this year’s CytoData Symposium where the focus is single-cell and spatial profiling. CytoData 2023 includes workshops, oral and poster presentations, as well as the popular hackathon where the participants work with practical profiling tasks and real image data.

Organizer: FIMM, University of Helsinki and University of Turku
Time of event: October 23-26
Location: Helsinki, Finland
Deadline for registration: 31st August 2023
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Optical Clearing and Expansion Microscopy I & II

We welcome you to two symposiums in Stockholm on optical clearing and expansion microscopy. The first symposium takes place at the Wenner-Gren Center on Sep 12th, and the second symposium at SciLifeLab on Sep 13th-14th. Please see the below flyers for more info.

Register by emailing Hans Blom,

The 2nd International Meeting on Optical Biosensors – IMOB23

Welcome to IMOB23 that will gather and consolidate expertise in the field to share and reflect on the latest information and to promote accelerated development in the field. The in-person meeting is directed to all scientists with an interest in optical biosensors as tools to answer scientific questions in any area of biology and biomedical sciences.

Organizer: Medical Cell Biology, Uppsala University
Location: Humanities Theatre, Uppsala
Time of event: Aug 23rd-25th, 2023
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Open session on NIR Nanoscopy and Vibrational Microscopy

Most welcome to an open lecture session on “Near-IR Nanoscopy and Vibrational Microscopy”, arranged within the framework of our ongoing NanoVIB H2020 project. Within this session, we have the honour to have a (Zoom) lecture by Stefan W Hell (MPI Göttingen/Heidelberg, Nobel Laureate and the pioneer of fluorescence super-resolution imaging) with the title “MINFLUX nanoscopy and related matters”, and the session also includes short (IRL) presentations describing the aims, partners and major activities of the NanoVIB project.

Organizer: NanoVIB H2020 project, Jerker Widengren, SciLifeLab
Location: FB54, Albanova University Center, Stockholm
Online: https://kth
Time of event: 13:00-15:00, May 16th, 2023
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CAT Workshop 2023

The Centre for Cellular Imaging, which is the national SciLifeLab facility for Correlative Array Tomography in Sweden, has the great pleasure to welcome you to the first Cellular 3D volume – Correlative Array Tomography (CAT) Workshop! It is designed to bring experts, researchers and industry together interested in Cellular 3D volume – CAT to introduce this new technology, stimulate knowledge exchange and the formation of collaborations.

Organizer: The NMI node Centre for Cellular Imaging
Location: Wallenberg Centre & Centre for Cellular Imaging, Gothenburg, Sweden
Time of event: Nov 29 – Dec 1, 2023
Contact email:

EMBO Practical Course: Advanced methods in bioimage analysis

This advanced course on methods in bioimage analysis concentrates on teaching cutting-edge concepts and tools for quantitative image analysis and will seek to upgrade the competencies of future bioimage analysis experts on both theoretical algorithm advancements as well as on practical implementation skills.

Organizer: EMBL Heidelberg together with the BioImage Informatics Facility in Uppsala
Location: EMBL Heidelberg
Time of event: Sep 10-15, 2023
Deadline for registration: Jun 18, 2023
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