PhD course in Super-resolution, Light-sheet, FCS methods

This two-week web-based course, FSK3533 at KTH, 3.0 ECTS credits, is for PhD students in particular but other interested are also welcome to register and attend the lectures. The four topics on the flyer above are covered equally, with lectures, lab-demonstrations  and discussion groups.

Register by sending an email to Stefan Wennmalm,

Basic Course in SEM and TEM – 1 ECTS – 22-24 February 2022

This course covers fundamentals in scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM/TEM) techniques, suitable for applications in both physical and life sciences. 18 participants will be accepted to the course where selection will be based on current academic project and motivation to learn the EM methods.

* Physical participation during the course will be subjected to change upon recommendations from university.

Application deadline:
The registration closes on February 11th 2022.

Lectures at KBC Building and laboratory demonstrations at UCEM.

Registration Form


Linda Sandblad
Centre Coordinator / Director

Phone: +46 (0)70 932 49 36

IMARIS workshop, 5 October 2021

NMI at Stockholm University organize a workshop with Oxford Instruments with an Introduction to IMARIS, hands-on training and individual IMARIS 1-1 Clinic.

To reserve a seat, register here. Registration closes on the 28th of September. 

The number of seats are limited and will be filled on first-come-first-serve basis. Once the registration closes, those interested in the Hands-on sessions will receive a WebEx and an AmazonApp link which can be used to join the event and gain access to IMARIS on the Virtual Desktops.

To reserve a time slot in the IMARIS Clinic, please send an email with information on the labeled object and the scientific question /type of analysis to You can upload your datasets no later than the 28th of September, using the Upload tool. 

If you register but realize that you will be unable to attend, send an email to g.dontcheva@bitplane.comso that we can give the seat to the next person on the waiting list.


Advanced Microscopy for Life Sciences NMI online course

REGISTRATION is CLOSED:Online course for all scientists interested in advanced microscopy, 22 – 24 September 2021. The course offer an insight to all imaging techniques provided by  NMI. Experts from the NMI nodes are present throughout the course.

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