The 2nd International Meeting on Optical Biosensors – IMOB23

Welcome to IMOB23 that will gather and consolidate expertise in the field to share and reflect on the latest information and to promote accelerated development in the field. The in-person meeting is directed to all scientists with an interest in optical biosensors as tools to answer scientific questions in any area of biology and biomedical sciences.

Organizer: Medical Cell Biology, Uppsala University
Location: Humanities Theatre, Uppsala
Time of event: Aug 23rd-25th, 2023
Contact email:

Open session on NIR Nanoscopy and Vibrational Microscopy

Most welcome to an open lecture session on “Near-IR Nanoscopy and Vibrational Microscopy”, arranged within the framework of our ongoing NanoVIB H2020 project. Within this session, we have the honour to have a (Zoom) lecture by Stefan W Hell (MPI Göttingen/Heidelberg, Nobel Laureate and the pioneer of fluorescence super-resolution imaging) with the title “MINFLUX nanoscopy and related matters”, and the session also includes short (IRL) presentations describing the aims, partners and major activities of the NanoVIB project.

Organizer: NanoVIB H2020 project, Jerker Widengren, SciLifeLab
Location: FB54, Albanova University Center, Stockholm
Online: https://kth
Time of event: 13:00-15:00, May 16th, 2023
Contact email:

EMBO Practical Course: Advanced methods in bioimage analysis

This advanced course on methods in bioimage analysis concentrates on teaching cutting-edge concepts and tools for quantitative image analysis and will seek to upgrade the competencies of future bioimage analysis experts on both theoretical algorithm advancements as well as on practical implementation skills.

Organizer: EMBL Heidelberg together with the BioImage Informatics Facility in Uppsala
Location: EMBL Heidelberg
Time of event: Sep 10-15, 2023
Deadline for registration: Jun 18, 2023
Contact email:

EMBL course on Advanced fluorescence imaging techniques

Do you want to learn how to derive qualitative and quantitative insights on molecular mechanisms in cells and developing organisms? Then join ‘Advanced fluorescence in imaging techniques’, a hands-on course for researchers using light microscopy equipment to solve biological problems at the cellular and molecular level in vivo.

Organizer: EMBL Heidelberg
Location: EMBL Advanced Training Centre
Time of event: May 7-12, 2023
Deadline for registration: February 12, 2023

Euro-BioImaging User Forum

Euro-BioImaging is organizing a third online User Forum on Tuesday, April 5, 2022 from 14:00-17:00 CEST. The topic is “At the Forefront of Neuroscience.” This event will highlight the importance of cutting-edge imaging technologies in support of brain research and showcase the specific expertise available at our Nodes across Europe through case studies presented in tandem with the research community. 

More information:

Register :

LCI microscopy course; improve your imaging skills – from sample preparation to image analysis

24 Jan – 11 Feb

The Live Cell Imaging core facility at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden will start its intensive microscopy course next week. Applications are closed but all lectures are broadcasted live and open to anyone without registration. And yes, it is free! 

Link to the public lectures

The aim for this course is to improve the microscopy skills of students and researchers who have already used a microscope to acquire digital images of fluorescent samples but feel that more knowledge could help them. 

The course covers the following topics:
– Optics, image formation
– Fluorescence, fluorophores
– Bleedthrough
– Anatomy of a microscope
– Objectives and refraction index
– Cameras and detectors
– Noise and background, Bit depth and saturation
– Multichannel imaging and spectral unmixing
– Resolution and contrast
– Sample preparation, Immunostaining
– Nyquist sampling
– Confocal and wide field settings
– Speed, High throughput/content
– Volume imaging, deconvolution
– Clearing and expansion
– Live cell imaging
– Fourier
– AI, Super Resolution microscopy
– Colocalization
– Data handling, OMERO.figure

On this page (, you can find the course schedule (public activities are in blue) and the Zoom link to join. Scroll down to read the student testimonies! 

Hope you enjoy the Live Cell Imaging core facility microscopy course 2022! 

EuroBioImaging user forum: Understanding and Fighting Cancer

Euro-BioImaging is organizing an online User Forum on October 14, 2021 from 14:00-17:00 CEST. The topic is “Understanding and Fighting Cancer.” This event will highlight the importance of cutting-edge imaging technologies in support of cancer research and showcase the specific expertise available at our Nodes across Europe through case studies presented in tandem with the research community.

Full program

Registration is open to all and free of charge. Please register by October 14th.

Register here

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