The Advanced Light Microscopy (ALM) NMI node at SciLifeLab welcomes you to a KTH networking event where leading KTH scientists present novel 3D biological sample generation and visualisation applications.
If you perform biological imaging and want to maximise the potential of your bioimaging data, we suggest you to take a look at this free workshop, Euro-BioImaging’s Guide to FAIR Bioimage Data, provided by Euro-BioImaging. In this interactive online workshop you will learn about the FAIR principles and benefits in the context of bioimaging data, best practices for data management and much more. There is also an opportunity to bring your own data to the workshop. Read more by clicking the links below.
Take the chance to join this Mass Spectrometry Imaging Zoom seminar on the 4th April, 15:00-16:00 (CET time). It will be given by Dr. Peter Weber from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, US. Dr. Weber is an expert in NanoSIMS imaging, as well as multiphoton microscopy and coherent Raman imaging. His research focus is microanalysis, microbial ecology, soil processes, elemental and isotopic tracers, and microbial and nuclear forensics. He has analyzed a broad range of materials, worked on methods to link microbial function and identity in complex microbial communities, and has studied microbial mineralization, symbiosis, predation, nitrogen fixation, carbon fixation, carbon cycling and phosphorus uptake. Dr. Weber is interested in correlated imaging and pushing the limits of compositional sensitivity, including developing methods to analyze viruses, cell membranes, and microarrays.
Title: “NanoSIMS studies from microbial ecology to nuclear forensics: Connecting microanalysis to the world”
The ZOOM seminar will be held 15:00-16:00 including discussion, then 16:00-16:30 will be a separate informal discussion time for those that want to stay.
Euro-BoImaging is pleased to announce that the second Open Call from the Horizon Europe-funded canSERV project is here! All user projects – ranging from basic discovery science to translational science and into personalised oncology on any type of cancer – are eligible. The total indicative funding volume of this call is 1 Million Euro across the entire canSERV consortium. Within this project, NMI and many other Euro-Bioimaging Nodes offer access to their expertise. Read more in the links below!
We look forward to the next Euro-BioImaging User Forum – this time on the topic of IMAGE DATA. The User Forum will take place on March 26th, 2-5 pm CET. This is a great opportunity to highlight the innovative image analysis and image data management solutions developed by you all at the Euro-BioImaging Nodes and supporting Euro-BioImaging Users!
A selection will be made among the submitted abstracts for joint presentations from Users and Nodes that should cover both scientific aspects of the research project as well as the technical aspects of the work. While presentations from Euro-BioImaging users are encouraged, other users of Euro-BioImaging Node facilities are also invited to submit their abstracts. So please consider if you have an interesting story from your users to share.
Welcome to a practical course on sample preparation for TEM at the NMI node UCEM in Umeå. Participants will practice TEM sample preparation and TEM imaging with a sample from their own project. The course includes Ultra-microtome sectioning, Chemical fixation, Plastic embedding, TEM imaging, High-pressure freezing & freeze substitution, Immunolabeling techniques (Immunogold, CLEM) and Volume EM (FIB-SEM & Tomography). For more information, please visit the course website, see link below.
Did you know that Euro-BioImaging has a Virtual Pub every Friday at 13:00 CET on Zoom? Node staff and friends of Euro-BioImaging join with the Euro-BioImaging Hub staff for a virtual meeting – about topics that interest us all. We showcase our Nodes’ success stories and expertise, exciting science, travel grants, new technologies – and more!
Well, now the Virtual Pub is on Winter Break until January 12, 2024 but please register for the 2024 season by following the link below. Above you can see the schedule for January and February. Everyone is welcome!
We would like to highlight that there are a few spots still available in this imaging course given by the Live Cell Imaging (LCI) core facility at Karolinska Institutet Jan 29th – Feb 17th. The purpose of the course is to provide PhD students, researchers and core facility staff who have some prior experience of microscopy with enough theoretical and practical knowledge about their OWN sample and their OWN microscope, to enable them to:
1) assess and improve their sample so that it becomes suitable for data extraction from fluorescence images,
2) make best use of the hardware available in their lab/facility,
3) fully understand the acquisition parameters they need to set in their own microscope software,
4) design their experiment from scientific question to image analysis using a strong knowledge base.
To see how the course can help your microscopy project, check the course webpage. Look at the course schedule 2024 and the alumni testimonies! Also check the course syllabus to see the eligibility criteria. Also read what you will learn in the Course content and Intended Learning Outcomes sections. If you cannot apply to the course, you can anyway followany of the lectures (in blue on the schedule) as they will be publicly broadcasted live on Zoom and accessible to anyone without registration. The schedule and zoom link are available on the course page. The course is free of charge.
Euro-BioImaging is pleased to announce that the first Open Call from the Horizon Europe-funded canSERV project is here! Cancer Researchers are invited to apply for FREE state-of-the-art services and training at several European Research Infrastructures, including Euro-BioImaging ERIC. Within this project, NMI and many other Euro-Bioimaging Nodes offer access to their expertise. It’s an amazing opportunity for the cancer research community to access a wide-ranging portfolio of services.