- BNMI 2025
- Symposium On Advanced Preclinical Imaging:High Speed Multiphoton Imaging of Dynamic Processes In Vivo
- Basic Course in Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy (SEM/TEM) for Life Sciences (1 ECTS)11-13 February 2025 This course covers lectures and practical demonstrations in SEM and TEM techniques. The contents include principles of electron microscopy, specimen preparation, cryo-electron microscopy and correlative light-electron microscopy. The main focus will be on imaging biological samples, but the course may also be suitable for material scientists interested …
- Workshop for Cryo-electron TomographyTime of event: 10-14 March 2025 Location: UCEM facility (EM-building) and Chemical Biological Centre (KBC) building, Umeå University, Linnaeus väg 6, Umeå Deadline for registration: 13 January 2025 Weblink: https://www.umu.se/en/research/infrastructure/medicinska-fakulteten/u/umea-centre-for-electron-microscopy-ucem/courses-workshops-and-training/cryoet-workshop-2025/ Short description: Cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) is a powerful structural technique. Its power comes from its versatility to study biological systems in vitro or …
- SU Imaging days 2024
- CryoEM sample preparation and data collection courseThe purpose of the course is to prepare and train cryoEM facility users in sample preparation methods, introduce users to the image data acquisition workflow, expand knowledge about cryoEM methods among researchers and show that everyone can learn how to use cryoEM for structural biology. The course is open for …
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- SciLifeLab symposium in advanced light microscopyThe ALM node welcomes you to a live symposium teaching advanced microscopy applications from world leading experts. Time: September 13th, 2024Location: SciLifeLab, AIR&FIRE lecture hall, Gamma-2, Tomtebodavägen 23A, SolnaRegistration: hans.blom@scilifelab.se
- New Super-Resolution, Light-Sheet, and FCS-Methods course at SciLifeLabThe Advanced Light Microscopy (ALM) SciLifeLab node of NMI gives a two-week PhD-level course on four new imaging and fluorescence spectroscopy techniques: Depletion-based Super-Resolution Imaging, MINFLUX, Light-Sheet Imaging, and FCS-Methods. Do not miss this opportunity if you are interested in learning about bioimaging, from molecules up to live model organisms, …
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- Basic Course in Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy (SEM/TEM) for Life Sciences (1 ECTS)Welcome to this electron microscopy course at our NMI node UCEM in Umeå. The course covers lectures and practical demonstrations in SEM and TEM techniques. The contents include principles of electron microscopy, specimen preparation, cryo-electron microscopy and correlative light-electron microscopy. The main focus will be on imaging biological samples, but …
- Life Science Technology day – Novel 3D biology applicationsThe Advanced Light Microscopy (ALM) NMI node at SciLifeLab welcomes you to a KTH networking event where leading KTH scientists present novel 3D biological sample generation and visualisation applications. Place: Inghesalen, Campus Solna, Tomtebodavägen 18, StockholmTime: June 3rd, 9-12 amWeblink: https://www.kth.se/en/om/mot/kalender/forelasningar-seminarier/life-science-technology-day-novel-3d-biology-applications-1.1328557Registration: hblom@kth.se
- Mass Spectrometry Imaging Zoom seminarTake the chance to join this Mass Spectrometry Imaging Zoom seminar on the 4th April, 15:00-16:00 (CET time). It will be given by Dr. Peter Weber from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, US. Dr. Weber is an expert in NanoSIMS imaging, as well as multiphoton microscopy and coherent Raman imaging. His …
- Second call for canSERV is now openEuro-BoImaging is pleased to announce that the second Open Call from the Horizon Europe-funded canSERV project is here! All user projects – ranging from basic discovery science to translational science and into personalised oncology on any type of cancer – are eligible. The total indicative funding volume of this call …
- NMI wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
- TEM sample preparation practical courseWelcome to a practical course on sample preparation for TEM at the NMI node UCEM in Umeå. Participants will practice TEM sample preparation and TEM imaging with a sample from their own project. The course includes Ultra-microtome sectioning, Chemical fixation, Plastic embedding, TEM imaging, High-pressure freezing & freeze substitution, Immunolabeling techniques (Immunogold, …
- Register for Euro-BioImaging’s Virtual Pub 2024Did you know that Euro-BioImaging has a Virtual Pub every Friday at 13:00 CET on Zoom? Node staff and friends of Euro-BioImaging join with the Euro-BioImaging Hub staff for a virtual meeting – about topics that interest us all. We showcase our Nodes’ success stories and expertise, exciting science, travel grants, new …
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- NMI supports cancer research through canSERV and Euro-BioImagingEuro-BioImaging is pleased to announce that the first Open Call from the Horizon Europe-funded canSERV project is here! Cancer Researchers are invited to apply for FREE state-of-the-art services and training at several European Research Infrastructures, including Euro-BioImaging ERIC. Within this project, NMI and many other Euro-Bioimaging Nodes offer access to their expertise. …
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- Welcome to the Opening of the Lightsheet 7 at CCIThe Centre for Cellular Imaging (CCI), our NMI node in Gothenburg, has installed a new Lightsheet 7 fluorescence microscope and will celebrate this by hosting an opening day with seminars and demos of both the new Lightsheet instrument and other equipment at CCI. Please join us on January 18th to explore …
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- Workshop on dynamical microscopyThe advanced light microscopy (ALM) node of NMI welcomes you to a SciLifeLab workshop together with Zeiss on dynamical microscopy. It will cover imaging modalities such as AIRY, lattice lightsheet and FCS/DP, including quality control and image analysis. There will be a combination of technical information and applications, as well …
- Basic Course in Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy (SEM/TEM) for Life SciencesIt is time to sign up for the SEM/TEM course given by the NMI node in Umeå next semester. This course covers lectures and practical demonstrations in SEM and TEM techniques, specifically for life science applications. The contents include principles of electron microscopy, specimen preparation, cryo-electron microscopy and correlative light-electron …
- 2nd Nordic Online Symposium on Intravital ImagingDealing with Motion Artifacts in Dynamic Samples IVMSU welcomes you to join the 2nd Nordic Online Symposium on Intravital Imaging. Take this opportunity to learn more about different approaches to deal with motion artifacts, which are a common issue in intravital imaging. This Symposium includes LIVE online demonstrations. Time of event: 6th …
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- Funding for user access at Euro-BioImaging nodesWe would like to highlight that Euro-BioImaging has been awarded a number of important Horizon Europe and other grants to provide funding for user access at Euro-BioImaging Nodes, including NMI. These grants will support researchers to unleash the power of cutting-edge imaging technologies and gain access to other European research infrastructures to enhance …
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- KBC Days 2023We invite you to participate in the KBC Days 2023 where the Umeå NMI research infrastructure will be presented. New NMI users are welcome to join and to talk to both BICU and UCEM staff. The microscopy facilities also offer facility tours. Time of event: 7-8 NovemberLocation: Umeå University, KBC-BuildingDeadline for registration: 25th OctoberWeblink: https://www.umu.se/en/events/kbc-days-2023_11766534/Contact email: …
- Join the NMI-CCI facility in Gothenburg!Our Facility in Gothenburg, Sweden, is now recruiting (permanent position) a motivated and experienced Scientific Officer with expertise in Electron Microscopy and its various applications in life sciences and more specifically in volume EM and correlative multimodal imaging. The post-holder will work within the Centre for Cellular Imaging (CCI) national research infrastructure and …
- SciLifeLab Day in UmeåWelcome to the second kick-off event for the national SciLifeLab site – now hosted by Umeå! Learn more about the services and infrastructure development, research highlights, and activities offered by SciLifeLab, both nationally and locally; interact with the SciLifeLab capabilities – Precision Medicine, Pandemic Laboratory Preparedness and Planetary Biology, and …
- Basic Course in Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy for Life SciencesThis course covers lectures and practical demonstrations in SEM and TEM techniques, specifically for life science applications. The contents include principles of electron microscopy, specimen preparation, cryo-electron microscopy and correlative light-electron microscopy. For electron microscopy in physical science applications, there will be a similar-content basic course in early 2024. Time …
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- Cryo-EM sample preparation and data collection courseWant to learn more about Cryo-EM sample preparation and data collection? Then sign up for this course at the UCEM NMI node in Umeå. The purpose of the course is to prepare and train Cryo-EM facility users in sample preparation methods, introduce users to the image data acquisition workflow, expand …
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- SU Imaging Day 2023Welcome to a unique opportunity to discover all of SU’s imaging facilities for material and biological sciences at the SU imaging day 2023 organized by the IVMSU NMI node, among others. Follow the weblink for the full program. Time of event: September 28, 2023Location: Vivi Täckholmssalen P100, Stockholm UniversityWeblink: https://www.su.se/english/research/calendar-research/imaging-day-1.662435Contact …
- Optical Clearing and Expansion Microscopy I & IIWe welcome you to two symposiums in Stockholm on optical clearing and expansion microscopy. The first symposium takes place at the Wenner-Gren Center on Sep 12th, and the second symposium at SciLifeLab on Sep 13th-14th. Please see the below flyers for more info. Register by emailing Hans Blom, hans.blom@scilifelab.se
- CAT Workshop 2023The Centre for Cellular Imaging, which is the national SciLifeLab facility for Correlative Array Tomography in Sweden, has the great pleasure to welcome you to the first Cellular 3D volume – Correlative Array Tomography (CAT) Workshop! It is designed to bring experts, researchers and industry together interested in Cellular 3D …
- EMBO Practical Course: Advanced methods in bioimage analysisThis advanced course on methods in bioimage analysis concentrates on teaching cutting-edge concepts and tools for quantitative image analysis and will seek to upgrade the competencies of future bioimage analysis experts on both theoretical algorithm advancements as well as on practical implementation skills. Organizer: EMBL Heidelberg together with the BioImage …
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- Update: New deadline for Digital image analysis for scientific applications, 5 creditsThe registration deadline for the DIASA course has been prolonged to March 25th, click here for more info. This is great opportunity to learn more about image analysis for scientific applications. Go to the course homepage and sign up!
- Phd Course: New imaging & Fluctuation Metods – Superresolution, Lightsheet and FCS-techniques (3 ECTS)Welcome to a PhD course on super-resolution microscopy, light-sheet imaging and fluctuation correlation spectroscopy techniques. Click to read more!
- TissUUmaps 3: Interactive visualization and quality assessment of large-scale spatial omicsWe present TissUUmaps, browser-based tool for GPU-accelerated visualization and interactive exploration of tens of millions of datapoints overlaying tissue samples. Users can visualize markers and regions, explore spatial statistics and quantitative analyses of tissue morphology, and assess the quality of decoding in situ transcriptomics data. TissUUmaps provides instant multi-resolution image …
- Advanced fluorescence microscopy symposium – super resolution MINFLUX applicationsThe Advanced Light Microscopy facility welcomes you to a symposium on super resolution MINFLUX fluorescence microscopy applications. Organizer/NMI node: KTH-ALMLocation: Samuelsson salen, Tomtebodavägen 6, SolnaTime: May 26th, 2023Registration: hans.blom@scilifelab.se
- Advanced fluorescence microscopy symposium – FLIM, FRET, FCS & TauSTED applicationsThe Advanced Light Microscopy facility at KTH welcomes you to a symposium on FLIM, FRET, FCS and Tau-STED fluorescence microscopy applications. Organizer/NMI node: KTH-ALMLocation: Inghesalen, Campus SolnaTomtebodavägen 18a, SolnaTime of event: March 8th, 2023Registration: hans.blom@scilifelab.se
- BioImage Informatics CALL4HELPThe BioImage Informatics Facility (BIIF) together with microscopy expert Sylvie Le Guyader (LCI, Karolinska Institutet) organizes a Call4Help session every month. The aim is to offer combined expertise towards microscopy and bioimage analysis. All researchers from Swedish institutes can participate. NMI node: BIIF at Uppsala UniversityLocation: on zoomTime of event: …
- CLEM Workshop
- Online Symposium on Intravital MicroscopyParticipate in an Online Symposium on Intravital Microscopy on Oct 26th, 09:00-13:45 CET. Registration: ivmsu@su.se
- Job opening BIIF – UppsalaBioinformatician with focus on research support within image analysis
- online PhD course Fluorescence Imaging and spectrocopyregistration by email to: stewen@kth.se
- CCI Seminar: Introduction to MALDI-Imaging Mass SpectrometryWe are happy to announce that CCI now can offer MALDI-Imaging Mass Spectrometry technology. We would like to give our gratitude to Jörg Hanrieder and his group for allowing us to open and offer this fantastic instrument and technology to our users! And to celebrate this collaboration on the 28th …
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- BNMI – Bridging the Nordic Microscopy InfrastructureWelcome to the first meeting of the Bridging Nordic Microscopy Infrastructures (BNMI) network that will take place at the University of Iceland in Reykjavík, Iceland August 17-19 2022. Registration and more info: https://bnmi.hi.is
- PhD course in Super-resolution, Light-sheet, FCS methodsThis two-week web-based course, FSK3533 at KTH, 3.0 ECTS credits, is for PhD students in particular but other interested are also welcome to register and attend the lectures. The four topics on the flyer above are covered equally, with lectures, lab-demonstrations and discussion groups. Register by sending an email to …
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- Basic Course in SEM and TEM – 1 ECTS – 22-24 February 2022This course covers fundamentals in scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM/TEM) techniques, suitable for applications in both physical and life sciences. 18 participants will be accepted to the course where selection will be based on current academic project and motivation to learn the EM methods. * Physical participation during the …
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- IMARIS workshop, 5 October 2021NMI at Stockholm University organize a workshop with Oxford Instruments with an Introduction to IMARIS, hands-on training and individual IMARIS 1-1 Clinic. To reserve a seat, register here. Registration closes on the 28th of September. The number of seats are limited and will be filled on first-come-first-serve basis. Once the registration closes, those …
- Introduction course in Image analysis for Life science, autumn 2021Arranged by the Gothenburg NMI node. This course provides a hands-on introduction to image processing and analysis, with emphasis on biologically relevant examples. Read more
- Advanced Microscopy for Life Sciences NMI online courseREGISTRATION is CLOSED:Online course for all scientists interested in advanced microscopy, 22 – 24 September 2021. The course offer an insight to all imaging techniques provided by NMI. Experts from the NMI nodes are present throughout the course.
- PhD course: New Imaging and Fluctuation Methods, Super-Resolution, Light-Sheet, STED-FCS and FRET-FCSALM gives a two-week online course focusing on new imaging and fluorescence spectroscopy techniques. 3 ECTS credits. May 31 – June 11 Read more
- Imaging Workshop – Course in Advanced Light Microscopy and Image ProcessingThe NorMIC series of workshops aims to teach biological researchers (PhD students, postdocs and young PIs) the principles of biological microscopes and image processing. May 25-28, 2021, Online Read more
- Introduction course in Image analysis for Life science, autumn 2021Arrange by the Gothenburg NMI node. This course provides a hands-on introduction to image processing and analysis, with emphasis on biologically relevant examples. Read more
- Incucyte®Live-Cell Analysis System online seminar in UmeåBICU (Umeå NMI node) has installed a new microscope dedicated to Live cell imaging. If you would like to know more about the applications, please join the IncuCyte online seminar on Nov 11th! Read more
- From Image Acquisition to Image AnalysisArrange by the NMI Centre for Cellular Imaging at the University of Gothenburg: This is a compact, hands-on from image acquisition to image analysis course for undergraduates. September-November 2021 Read more
- PhD student course in Cellular Imaging – 3 ECTSArranged by the NMI Centre for Cellular Imaging at the University of Gothenburg. The course will deal with different aspects of modern cellular and molecular microscopy. Gothenburg, March 2021.
- Advanced Microscopy for Life ScienceA course for all scientists interested in advanced microscopy. The course offer an insight to all imaging techniques provided by NMI. Experts from the NMI nodes are present throughout the course. The course is hosted by Lund University the 25th to 27th of September 2018.
- Introduction course in Image analysis for Life sciencesPhD course in basic Image Analysis arranged by the CCI and powered by NEUBIAS trainers. Course dates are 17-20 September, 2018. The course provides a introduction to image processing and analysis, with emphasis on biologically relevant examples.
- Tips & Tricks on Clearing & Expansion MicroscopyThe Advanced Light Microscopy facility at Science for Life laboratory welcomes you to a tutorial day covering tips and tricks of clearing and expansion microscopy transferred by national experts. September 13th 2018. Register before August 31st.
- Optical Clearing and Expansion Microscopy symposiumThe Advanced Light Microscopy facility at Science for Life laboratory cordially welcomes you to an symposium covering applications of optical clearing and expansion microscopy from world leading experts. September 12th, 2018. Register before August 31st.
- ELYRA 7: Live Cell imaging in Super Resolution Mode!Join us at the NMI-CCI, Gothenburg, for an insight into the applications of instruments and software for live cell imaging and take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn how your work can benefit from a flexible platform for fast and gentle super resolution imaging.
- Hands on immunofluorescenceThis course is organized by the Cell Profiling Facility and the HPA Cell Atlas team. The course will cover sample preparation for immunofluorescence, fluorescence microscopy and how to acquire images from confocal microscopes. The course includes both theory and hands on work. Apply before June 25th 2018.
- Time to vote! NMI Image ContestThe nine finalists are ready and it is time to vote for your favorite in the “Art meets Science” image competition. One vote per e-mail adress, voting will end May 27th and the winner will be announced at the Symposium Advanced Imaging of Cellular processes in vintro and in vivo …
- Symposium Advanced Imaging of Cells in vitro and in vivoMay 27 – 29, 2018 NMI and Stockholm University Intravital Microscopy cordially welcome you to the first symposium on advanced imaging of cells in vitro and in vivo to listen to and discuss with world leading experts in the field. Registrations are open on the NMI web page.
- Advanced Imaging of Cells in vitro and in vivo Course (3 credits)This course will improve your knowledge in fluorescence light microscopy and image analysis. The course is a mix of lectures and hands-on training. Stockholm University, May 21st to 27th, 2018.
- Amira software WorkshopThe NMI node in Umeå is hosting a Amira software training event on May 7th. The workshop includes an introductory lecture followed by hands-on training including data visualization, quantitative measurements, segmentation etc. Registration by email.
- NMI Image Contest“Art meets Science” Submit your best microscopy images for a chance to win a Nikon camera. Show that your scientific work can also be creative, artistic and beautiful. Send in your contribution before May 1st 2018.
- Cryo-EM sample preparation and data collection courseThe purpose of the course is to give training in sample preparation methods, introduction on image data acquisition workflow, and expand knowledge about cryo-EM methods among Swedish researcher. Apply before April 15th.
- Antibody based technologies , 1 ECTSThis national course will focus on antibody based technologies and describe the possibilities of using these technologies within the facilities at SciLifeLab. The course is addressed to current and potential facility users. Application deadline is February 25th. Course is 10th to 11th of April.
- Practical course at UCEM – TEM sample preparation course part IIThe course covers among chemical fixation, high pressure freezing, freeze substitution and plastic embedding methods, ultra-microtome sectioning, immunogold labeling, staining, TEM imaging and an introduction to FIB-SEM. Apply before March 15th, course is April 9-13.
- PhD student course in Cellular Imaging – 3 ECTSArranged by the NMI Centre for Cellular Imaging at the University of Gothenburg. The course will deal with different aspects of modern cellular and molecular microscopy. Gothenburg, April 2018.
- Advanced microscopy at Scilife, KI and Janelia Research Campus, USAOn the 15th of March we invite you to a series of seminars presenting The Advanced Light Microscopy facility at Scilifelab, the Live Cell Imaging facility at KI and the Advanced Imaging Center at Janelia Research Campus.
- Advanced Microscopy for Life SciencesA course for all scientists interested in advanced microscopy. The three days course offer an insight to all imaging techniques provided by NMI. Experts from the four NMI nodes will be present throughout the course. The course is hosted by Linköping University the 13th to 15th of March 2018.
- Basic Course in SEM and TEM, 1 ECTSThis course covers fundamental theory and operational principles as well as specimen preparation techniques for scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM/TEM). Course is 20 – 22 February, 2018. Registration closes February 5th.
- SciLife Symposium Advanced Fluorescence MicroscopyOn February 7th 2018 the Advanced Light Microscopy facility at SciLifeLab cordially welcome you to an symposium covering applications of advanced fluorescence microscopy methods from world leading experts. Registration ends January 23.
- Super Resolution Microscopy 3.0 creditsArranged by the NMI Advanced Microscopy Facility at the KTH. The course is aimed to acquire extended knowhow on how all super resolution techniques work and how to apply them in biological research. Jan – Feb 2018.
- Tools and Techniques for 3D Light and Electron MicroscopyWorkshop for Specialists – Master Your Multiscale Challenge Tools and Techniques for 3D Light and Electron Microscopy, arranged by the CCI in Gothenburg and Carl Zeiss, December 2017.
- Introduction course in Image analysis for Life sciencesPhD course in basic Image Analysis arranged by the CCI and powered by NEUBIAS trainers, November 2017. The course provides a introduction to image processing and analysis, with emphasis on biologically relevant examples.
- Basic Course in SEM and TEM, 20 – 22 September 2017The Basic EM Course provides general and basic introduction to PhD students and postdocs, who would like to work with EM methods in their projects. The course covers fundamental theory and operational principles as well as specimen preparation techniques for SEM/TEM.
- NEUBIAS Training Schools for Facility Staffs and Early Career ResearchersTwo simultaneous training schools focus on Bioimage Data Analysis arranged by the NMI Centre for Cellular Imaging at the University of Gothenburg and supported by the NEUBIAS COST Action CA15124, September 2017.
- 5th Nordic Advanced Microscopy WorkshopThe Advanced Microscopy Workshops bring together researchers from the Nordic countries working with advanced microscopy modalities. The meeting is organized by the NMI BioImaging Facilities in Solna and ZEISS, September 2017.
- Fast, gentle, and easy imaging of large cleared specimen!The NMI Centre for Cellular Imaging, in collaboration with ZEISS, is pleased to invite you on April 5th to 6th 2017 to a workshop focused on cleared tissue imaging with the Lightsheet Z.1.
- PhD student course in Cellular Imaging – 3 ECTSArranged by the NMI Centre for Cellular Imaging at the University of Gothenburg. The course will deal with different aspects of modern cellular and molecular microscopy. Gothenburg, April 2017.
- 1st NMI Core Facility staff training in the IMARIS program2-day training course for facility staff within the NMI consortium. The course will take place in Gothenburg the 14-15th of March, 2017, and it will cover all the details of the IMARIS software from data visualization, measurement and tracking, object detection to Batch-processing.
- Bioimaging course – 1.5 ECTArranged by the NMI BICU at the University of Umeå. The course is aimed to introduce a variety of bioimaging techniques to provide the participants with sufficient knowledge to navigate in the field of Bioimaging. February 2017.
- Basic Course in SEM and TEM – 1 ECTSThe aim of this EM Basic Course is to provide basic introduction to PhD students and postdocs, who would like to work with EM methods in their projects.
- Novel developments in super-resolution structural Illumination Microscopy (SIM)Invited Bioimaging symposium December 13th 2016 at SciLifeLab, Solna.
- DEMO workshops Bruker Fluorescence MicroscopyExperience the VUTARA 352 for correlative high speed & quantitative superresolution microscopy and multipoint live-cell confocal imaging. December 8-12 2016 at Scilifelab, Solna.
- Course: Sample preparation in Advance Fluorescence MicroscopyThe NMI facility at SciLifeLab and Bruker welcome you to a one-day workshop covering fluorescence sample preparation know-how and application in advance microscopy imaging.
- 2nd Symposium, Bridging Nordic Imaging – Enabling discoveries from atoms to anatomyArranged by the NMI Centre for Cellular Imaging. This meeting is designed to bring experts and students together from different imaging modalities to stimulate the formation of new collaborations. Gothenburg 2016. Read more
- PhD student course in Cellular Imaging – 3 ECTSArranged by the NMI Centre for Cellular Imaging at the University of Gothenburg. The course will deal with different aspects of modern cellular and molecular microscopy. Gothenburg, April 2016.
- DEMO workshops Zeiss LSM 8 family with SR AiryscanZEISS has recently launched the new LSM 880 and 800 with Airyscan. This opens a complete new world of confocal performance with fast and sensitive super resolution microscopy. Gothenburg, March 2016.