Welcome to the second kick-off event for the national SciLifeLab site – now hosted by Umeå! Learn more about the services and infrastructure development, research highlights, and activities offered by SciLifeLab, both nationally and locally; interact with the SciLifeLab capabilities – Precision Medicine, Pandemic Laboratory Preparedness and Planetary Biology, and much more! Director of the new SciLifeLab site Umeå is Linda Sandblad of the NMI node UCEM and the NMI facilities in Umeå will be presented during the day.
Time of event: September 11, 2023
Location: Rotundan, Aula Nordica and other locations at the Umeå University Campus
Weblink: https://www.scilifelab.se/event/scilifelab-day-umea/
Contact email: linda.sandblad@umu.se